CASE STUDY: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and Training
CASE STUDY: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and Training
The Culture Shift Team introduced and customized our Inclusion Ambassador DE&I strategy program to support our client's mid-level talent mentorship program. As part of the rollout of Inclusion Ambassador, CST developed a customized 2.5-hour training workshop to introduce our client's leaders to the Inclusion Ambassador model and prepare them to serve as mentors to mid-level ethnic minority employees. The Inclusion Ambassador program is based on the seven core competencies of the Culture Shift Team Inclusion Ambassador Model:
- Awareness: Educate team on the current state
- Trust-Up: Engage in trust-building activities
- Skill-Up: Develop the skills needed to lean in
- Commit: Inspire commitment
- Act: Take action and gain experience
- Engage: Leverage relationships
- Champion: Elevate the organization
The workshop included a mixture of lecture, activities, and video to create awareness of the importance of inclusion ambassadorship and develop the skills needed to become successful ambassadors internally and externally. Also included were tools for self-assessment and development of an action plan for engagement. From the 2-hour pilot session, a 90-minute live webinar was also developed for remote deployment to leaders and mentors. Project deliverables included a client's customized participant manual and facilitator script guide for the live webinar sessions.
Our tasks included:
- Full customization of Inclusion Ambassador model to meet client objectives
- Creation of Inclusion Ambassador training workshop curriculum for client mentorship program
- Piloting of live training workshop
- Development and piloting of webinar version of material
- Full development of workshop participant manual
- Ongoing deployment of program to leaders participating in mentorship program
- Incorporation of client feedback into subsequent workshops